
2020 Number of Eiken certificate holders

High school

  1. Grade 1
    10 students
  2. Grade Pre-1
    84 students
  3. Grade 2
    502 students
  4. Grade Pre-2
    261 students

Junior high school

  1. Grade 1
    1 students
  2. Grade Pre-1
    11 students
  3. Grade 2
    120 students
  4. Grade Pre-2
    183 students

Why we need to work on Eiken

Okinawa Shogaku lists "communication skills" as one of the four essential qualities of globally educated people. The ability to understand other people and be understood by them is a necessary goal for the students. Communication skills include linguistic ability to understand one another using words, empathy to understand feelings, and reasoning to understand each other. Language skills in Okinawa Shogaku are mainly Japanese and English. Eiken is a compulsory means of improving English communication skills, and there are target grades for each grade from junior high school entrance to high school graduation. Students and teachers work together to achieve this goal. Many students participate in English speech and debate contests every year, and have achieved good results. Improving intercultural communication skills is one of the goals of Okinawa Shogaku.

Target grades and achievement status for each grade

Target grades Achievement status
Junior High School
1st grade (7th)
Grade 4 or higher 226 students
Grade Pre-1 (3 students), Grade 2 (22 students), Grade Pre-2 (10 students), Grade 3 (64 students), Grade 4 (127 students)
Junior High School
2nd grade (8th)
Grade 3 or higher 225 students
Grade Pre-1 (3 students), Grade 2 (22 students), Grade Pre-2 (65 students), Grade 3 (135 students)
Junior High School
3rd grade (9th)
Grade Pre-2 or higher 190 students
Grade 1 (1 students), Grade Pre-1 (5 students), Grade 2 (76 students), Grade Pre-2 (108 students)
High school Grade Pre-1 or higher
* The target has been revised upward from "Grade 2 or higher".
Grade Pre-1 or higher 94 students(9.9%)
Grade 2 or higher 596 students(62.6%)
Grade 1 (10 students), Grade Pre-1 (84 students), Grade 2 (502 students), Grade Pre-2 (261 students)
